Wednesday, April 16, 2008

sample track workout

The long course program we're doing basically has three runs per week: an interval run early in the week, a long slow run later in the week, and then, of course, there's the brick on the weekend.

As an alternative to the fairly simple interval workouts this program calls for (e.g. 60 mins run, with 20 mins in Zone 4), you can do a track workout. Below I've pasted a sample track workout from the GGTC track program this week:

Warm-up followed by drills on upper deck.
2 x100 strides on straight; jog the curves.

Main set
6 x 800s descending in 2 groups of 3. All recoveries are stairs followed by SLOW jog/walk down.
#1 @ base
#2 @ base minus 5 sec/400 (10 seconds faster for 800)
#3 @ base minus 7 sec/400 (15 seconds faster for 800)
Extra 400 easy jog/walk after #3
#4 @ base minus 5 sec/400 (10 seconds faster for 800)
#5 @ base minus 7 sec/400 (15 seconds faster for 800)
#6 @ base minus 8-10 sec/400 (16-20 seconds faster for 800)

Long Course athletes will complete one additional 1200 at base + 5
sec/100 (15 seconds slower for 1200).
Cooldown, static stretch replenish fluids, eat (within 45 minutes)
approx 1-1.2 gram CHO/kg of body weight plus 10-20 grams protein.

Short Course interval total: 4800 meters
Long Course interval total: 5000 meters

We don't have a track in Kapa'au but we could use the grassy area circling a baseball diamond as an alternative.

1 comment:

theCrab said...

hmmmm.... that's all Greek to me. i'll read it as "Run faster you lazy fucker!!!!"