Monday, April 21, 2008

der Sundae trainingz. plus pre-brick slacking

Sundae Sundae Sundae!!!!!

mode: brick
bike: 2hrs 20minutes. Kapa'au to Kawaihae and back again.
distance: much further coming than going (see uphill headwinds from Mahukona to Hawi)
run: 59minutes
distance: slow and lazy

conclusions: I'm going to do the Honu course on Sundae brick days from now on. Not that we can run at the Mana Lani (as they get crazy when people run around on their golf course), but Hapuna swim, bike to Hawi and then run Puako is a close approximation. I'm a believer in knowing the course you are racing as much as possible.

knee: does not like the downhill running. the last bit in Kapa'au from the highway to Chez BoomKing is baaaad

Thursday and Friday I diverged from the prescribed training regimen because my legs were saying, "Hey buddy EFFFFFF EWE!!!!" I did swims at Richardson's beach both days. Nothing intense. Just keeping the swimming brain awake.
and now your moment of zen:

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