Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Race Results, 3min pace run

Official Labor Day 5K Race Results show me coming in 11th with a time of 19:41. Only 3 seconds slower than the 10th finisher. The 10th finisher who ran the entire race pushing a stroller with a 1 year-old in it..... I'm just shaking my head at that one.

Today's training:
3miles @ race pace
overall ran for 27:51 and did 3.5 miles. That includes 3 minutes warm up @ 5mph and 2 minutes @ 6.3mph.
soundtrack: Audioslave (good heavy metal for exercise)

legs: left knee moderatly bitchy, right foot painful after the run in the area behind the middle toes and in front of the arch. Seems to be between the big toe and 2nd toe.

other oddities: yesterday after my run I noticed that I had a rash or hives on my right side abdomen near a recent abrasion scar. Today the rash/hives have spread to the right quad/groin and left groin..... weird. The only thing I can think of that I have changed in the past few days is my anti-persipirant. Time to completely clean up my diet or sumpin....

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