Wednesday, December 31, 2008

3 miles easy

treadmill 3 miles

30 minutes

minor pain under left kneecap at abt 1.5 miles. removed lift from right heel and knee pain dissipated. need to keep an eye on that. might need to remove lifts when running on treadmill.

have Dr Nancy check leg lengths on next visit.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

skip a day. then 4x800

Sunday's run had my left foot arch bitching a little (in addition to all the other leg bitching) led me to skip Monday's 3 miles.

1st 800: 6:00/mile pace
2nd 800: 6:18/mile pace
3rd 800: 6:15/mile pace
4th 800: 6:11/mile pace

overall 5.5 miles and 48 minutes of running (includes warmup and cooldown)

during the warmup and the interstitial cooldowns I noticed my right foot wasn't striking properly on the outside edge. Worked on that during the entire session. Right ball of foot sort of .... something... as a result of stride modification efforts.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday 12

Was supposed to do 11 today, but whilst planning my route on google maps i laid out a 12 mile route. oops.

12 miles

slightly bitchy IT band on the left. and the gluteus on the left. right upper calf at the knee (outside) also minor bitchy. am pleased to have kept an 8:20 pace.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

end of rain and Xmas: 5 miles

5 miles in 41:56
wasn't really feeling motivated. possibly due to all the grey weather and rain we've had since mid-day on Xmas. possibly due to not getting my ass up to do my Thursday pace run.

ran after eating tacos (1.5hrs). minor amounts of bitching from the body regarding scheduling the food before the running, but my first trip towards Richardsons Beach Park was met with a super slow driving old fart and a rain squall. So I diverted to fish tacos (fried Mahi-mahi from Aloha Luigis) and waiting a bit and the weather turned the corner to sunny and nice. Had a brief swim after. Worked very briefly on arm stroke (4 times 25-30 meters).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

hills, registration confirmed for Boston

3 x hill workout. for whatever reason that was a tough workout.

akalina farm gate to enlightened ones driveway.

Received confirmation from the Boston Athletic Association regarding my entry into the 113th Boston Marathon. So it looks pretty darn official. Time to start figuring out how to mesh marathon and triathlon training regimes together because Honu Half Ironman is about 6 weeks after Boston.

Monday, December 22, 2008

3 miles easy

the usual route starting from and returning to Richardson Beach Park.

3 miles

first run since the marathon (not counting minor amounts of running around while coaching soccer). felt good. minor amount of IT band bitching from left knee area. interesting muscle tightness on interior quads (both legs). obviously it's time to resume stretching as well.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2009 race goals

2009 race goals:

Boston Marathon: finish faster than 3:15
Honu Half Ironman: qualify for Kona Ironman and finish faster than 5:00
Kona Ironman: finish without hurting myself

based upon my run @ CIM I feel like I can blow out my old PR for Lavaman (olympic) and Honu (Half Ironman). I need to work on improving my swimming and biking as I have given them much less attention than my running since the 2008 Honu Half Ironman.

more data points:

split formatting:
swim pace T1 bike pace T2 run pace

2008 Lavaman splits:
29:11 1:50 3:17 1:12:54 20.4 0:58 47:29 7:40 (2:33 overall)

2008 Honu Half Ironman splits:
36:52 1:51 5:27 2:49:02 19.9 3:00 1:59:04 9:06 (5:27 overall)

Monday, December 8, 2008


race day was cool, overcast and almost foggy. perfect running conditions.

26.2 miles. 3:14:46.

I have pulled off a Boston Marathon qualifying time at my first ever marathon.

This is beyond my expectations based upon the number of missed workouts (approximately 50%).

Now it's time to put together the Boston Marathon training plan. =)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

last pre-race run

ran for about 30 minutes with a buddy from high school. Fell & Stanyan past the new museums and up to Stowe lake (Golden Gate Park, San Franfrisco) and back. Easy pace. 2-3 miles I'm guessing. Slight bitching as usual from the psoas/hip region on the right hand side.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

arrival in CA. 4x400

traveled to CA on Monday. as usual travel is a pain in the ass, but imagine how much more of a pain in the ass it was back in the days of sailing ships.

ran 4x400 today. I have no proper idea what the pace was like as I wasn't running on a proper 1/4 mile track and wasn't keeping track of my interval times. If you glued the 400's together they might have resembled a sub-6 minute mile. Psoas muscle slightly bitchy. will stretch twice per day from now until the race on Sunday.